the eye for quality

The Aviary

I build the house we are living in in 2005 and moved in in January 2006, I liked the design for the garage was attached to the house.
The garage was to be the birdshed from day one and a lot of attention was paid to design the inside.
Due to the planning and buildingregulations I could not change anything to the outside but this was good enough for me with plenty of windows.

The first thing that was moved into the new house even befor we moved in ourselfs were the breedingcages and the birds for I was in the middle of the breeding season. I first started of with an aviary of 3.5x2.5 mtr as in one big flight and 16 breedingcages in January 2007 I added a small flight for the young birds and another 16 breedingcages.Four of the new cages were used as stockcages and another 4 were not used at all the other 8 cages were used gradualy from February on.
There is also a sinkunit with hot and cold flowwing water and the heating is provide by a radiater connected to the central heatingsystem, the aircirculation is directed by a big extractorfan and the possibility of opening a good few windows the fan is divided to seven vents divided high and low wich gives a good atmosphere in the room. The total groundspace is approx 6x5.5 mtr of wich an storage area of 4x1 mtr is separated this can also be used as a quarentine space.
The lights a directed by a timer leaving the lights on from 7 am till 1pm and from 3pm till 11.30pm this would light up 4 double fluorecent light at night a 100 watt bulb is fading down to 10 watt and stays on for the night, as you see I give the birds a rest of two hours and they really relax during that time. The complete floor is tyled for easy maintenence. Future plans are to make a moveble stockcage and use the 32 breedingcages.